All In Safety offer company/environment specific training on site to ensure that Regulation 9 of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (these replace the old Abrasive Wheels requirements) are adhered to. We take time to analyse the specific requirements under the Regulations to ensure non-duplicity but compliance. These can be delivered on your own premises or any other site and are fixed price regardless of numbers so are cost effective. As with all of our training, these can be combined with other courses and because they are company/environment specific reduce training time.
· Every employer shall ensure that all persons who use work equipment have received adequate training for purposes of health and safety, including training in the methods which may be adopted when using the work equipment, any risks which such use may entail and precautions to be taken.
· Every employer shall ensure that any of his employees who supervises or manages the use of work equipment has received adequate training for purposes of health and safety, including training in the methods which may be adopted when using the work equipment, any risks which such use may entail and precautions to be taken.
PRICE: Can be as low as £15pp (based on course of 12); £180-£240 for each on-site session delivered on-site, price depending on your business activity, previous experience, location etc.
Animation from 50 years ago; but still relevant
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